Category: Cyber Liability

  • Why Your Business Needs Earthquake Insurance

    Earthquakes occur almost every day in the United States. Most are not large enough to cause damage, but sooner or later a big one will hit. The resulting damage, loss of life, and the impact on our economy could be devastating. Many businesses may not even give earthquake insurance much thought, but if you are […]

    January 28, 2020

  • Cyber Risk Update

    Over the last several years, cyber liability coverage has evolved from just insurance for information technology companies to coverage that nearly every class of business should have if they don’t already. From retailers, banks, contractors, distributors, restaurants and medical offices, many businesses are unaware of the great security technology exposure they face. Recent state laws […]

    November 12, 2019

  • Cyber Risk Tools

    Cyber Risk Tools Every business owner has read about cyber breaches and how they impact affected businesses.  We want to focus on how to prevent your confidential business information from ever being compromised. Cyber breaches come in a variety of forms so we will concentrate on the most popular breaches; insider breaches, payment and credit […]

    June 12, 2019

  • Make 2019 A Year of Savings

    An Insurance Update and Review Everyone wants to save money on their insurance. There are ways to save on your insurance and many don’t have anything to do with choosing the lowest premium. Low-cost insurance does not necessarily mean “the same” insurance coverage. If you decide on the lowest cost (premium) insurance, you may have […]

    April 22, 2019

  • Risk Of A Fire Low… Risk Of A Cyber Attack High

    Believe it or not, a small to medium sized business has a greater chance of having a cyber-attack than it does of having a fire. At the Armstrong Company, we’re committed to providing insurance solutions that keep small and medium-sized businesses protected. Often times we can combine various coverage options into one convenient package – […]

    April 19, 2019

  • Cyber Liability Loss Recovery Issues

    Cyber Insurance Can Benefit Your Business Cyber liability is a risk that every business faces today. You do not have to be a technology company or an online retailer to have cyber liability risk.  According to the latest studies by insurance experts, firms with 50 or fewer employees are the most at risk of having […]

    February 19, 2019

  • Misconceptions about Cyber Liability

    Misconceptions about Cyber Liability Cyber liability coverage for data breaches has evolved from just insurance for information technology companies to coverage that nearly every kind of business should have as part of their insurance program.  Any business not making an effort to protect personal private information is seriously out of step with the emerging landscape […]

    December 10, 2018

  • Cyber Liability Continues To Be An Emerging Risk

    Cyber Liability continues to be a major issue for businesses in 2018. In today’s data-driven social media world, businesses of all sizes have had a cyber-attack or data breach. Statistics show 39% of all cyber incidents affect businesses with fewer than 100 employees. With the recent breaches in the financial and hospital industries, many businesses […]

    July 30, 2018

  • Identity Theft An Emerging Risk For Most Businesses

    We have all heard of identity theft as it relates to individuals. Most of us have some form of identity theft protection just in case. However, businesses are now facing the same kind of risk, only as it relates to their business. The emerging risk includes; business tax fraud, trademark issues, website hacks, and credit […]

    July 12, 2018

  • How Cloud Computing Changes Cyber Risk Exposures

    Cyber risk and cloud computing is a topic that keeps evolving. In a recent study, 40% of companies thought they did not need cyber liability insurance. Many thought cyber liability was covered under their business insurance policy. And others thought that if they used the cloud to store client’s information that they had no risk. […]

    June 16, 2018