Category: Commercial Insurance

  • Layering Excess Liability-What you need to know

    Excess liability insurance provides additional protection that supplements a company’s existing single policy coverage. In an excess casualty program there are several layers of coverage that build upon each other. For example, an umbrella policy and multiple excess policies may be necessary in order to achieve the desired amount of insurance protection. Provisions to look […]

    December 14, 2016

  • Does your business need Inland Marine Insurance?

    Inland Marine insurance covers property transported over land or while temporarily warehoused by a third party. Does your business transport property of any kind? Does your business transport equipment or inventory in a vehicle or other mode of transportation? Do you transport tools, construction equipment, computer data or building plans and more? Does your business have […]

    October 26, 2016

  • Manufacturing Risks Evolved

    The evolution of manufacturing techniques over the years has as much to do with the implementation and enforcement of environmental regulations as it does modern technology.   Historically manufactures have had effects on the environment in ways such as smoke stacks and discarded hazardous and non-hazardous waste. Over the years the EPA and OSHA have increased […]

    October 24, 2016

  • Identity Theft – What you need to Know

    Identity theft is an all too common occurrence that needs to be taken seriously by individuals as well as business owners who are responsible for the identity of employees, vendors and customers. In a recent case by the US Attorney’s Office-Eastern Division, a Delaware man Jean Baptiste Alvarez allegedly improperly obtained the personal identifying information […]

    March 9, 2016

  • Inland Marine Insurance – What you need to know

    What is Inland Marine Insurance? As a business owner, it could be you’ve never heard of Inland Marine insurance, or maybe you’ve dismissed it because of the name.  Well, you might want to think again. Inland Marine Insurance was first created to cover the transport of goods over water, but the definition of the term […]

    January 18, 2016

  • Understanding Employment Practices Liability Insurance (EPLI)

    EPLI is a type of liability insurance that covers wrongful acts arising from the employment process. Types of claims covered include: Wrongful termination Discrimination Sexual harassment Retaliation Defamation Invasion of privacy Failure to promote Deprivation of a career opportunity Negligent evaluation Who is covered: Directors and Officers Management personnel Employees as insureds The most common […]

    October 13, 2015

  • Hurricane Season 2015 – What’s happening?

    So far the 2015 Hurricane Season has brought 6 named systems in the Atlantic Basin Region and 13 named systems in the Eastern Pacific Region. We are currently experiencing three systems in these two regions; two of systems are located in the Pacific region, Hurricane JIMENA a CAT 4 and IGNACIO a CAT 2  as registered on the Saffir-Simpson […]

    August 31, 2015

  • Floods – They can happen anywhere!

    Floods can happen anywhere, as witnessed on Highway 10 between Los Angeles, California and the Arizona border on July 19th.  As reported in the LA Times, a pit-sinkhole-bridge collapse was created when a creek in Desert Center between Coachella, California and Arizona’s border was overwhelmed by an unusual July flash flood storm.  Floods are one […]

    August 12, 2015

  • The Importance of Replacement Cost Value Insurance

    You have more than likely heard the terms replacement cost value and coinsurance penalty repeated again and again.  But why are these so important?  Familiarity with these terms and your policy provisions is important because if coverage is not maintained at the amount equal to the coinsurance limit on the policy, the insurance company will […]

    August 4, 2015

  • Knowing the Wildfire Potential in your area

    With the 2015 fire season underway and the extreme drought that continues to plague California and other areas, it is a good idea to ensure you are prepared for this type of disaster. Being prepared includes knowing your risks, having a Disaster Plan in place, mitigate against potential losses, and continue monitoring potential for your […]

    July 14, 2015