To Your Health
November 14, 2016
During this time of the year we all reflect and give thanks for our bountiful blessings. One intangible blessing in particular is our health. Some of us live with daily reminders of the health issues surrounding those close to us. There are also times when we are concerned for individuals we do not know, but we have heard their stories.
Media attention causes some to possess a heightened awareness of one’s health. The CDC sites three diseases which can attribute to approximately half of all deaths caused by infectious diseases each year. Together, tuberculosis, malaria, and AIDS cause over 300 million illnesses and more than 5 million deaths each year. Even the common flu, though less of a public threat since 1918 when the Spanish Influenza killed more than 500,000, still contributes to approximately 20,000 deaths in the United States every year. It is recommended by the CDC that everyone 6 months of age and older get a flu vaccine each year. Getting vaccinated is the best way to reduce the chances that you will get seasonal flu and spread it to others.
People think healthy living involves rare treasures and dark secrets-or years of intense study and practice. Actually, the truth is in plain sight and it’s pretty simple (though seldom easy). Here are some reminders from the Mayo Clinic for practicing good health habits.
The 12 habits of highly healthy people
1. Physical activity
2. Forgiveness
4. Preventive healthcare screening
5. Adequate sleep
6. Try something new
7. Strength and flexibility
8. Laugh
9. Family and friends
10. Address addictive behaviors
11. Quiet your mind
12. Gratitude