Category: Disaster Preparedness

  • El Nino Advisory 2015

    El Nino Advisory 2015 The National Weather Service has currently listed on the ENSO Alert System Status: El Niño Advisory Synopsis: There is an approximately 90% chance that El Niño will continue through Northern Hemisphere summer 2015, and a greater than 80% chance it will last through 2015.  Definitions of the ENSO ALERT SYSTEM. El […]

    June 9, 2015

  • Disaster Preparedness Planning

    Disaster Preparedness Planning Businesses can do much to prepare for the impact of the many hazards they face in today’s world including natural hazards like floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes and widespread serious illness such as the Ebola virus pandemic. Human-caused hazards include accidents, acts of violence by people and acts of terrorism. Examples of technology-related […]

    June 3, 2015