Category: Commercial Insurance

  • What Should Insurance Buyers Look For In Their Broker

    Our world is much different than it was just two years ago.  Things have changed and many changes are here to stay.  We all must adapt to a different way of managing our personal and business lives and finances.  Having a high-value insurance broker can help you manage these uncertain times. Selecting your insurance broker […]

    August 9, 2022

  • partners in risk

    Bonds Most Businesses Need

    Bid bond is issued as part of a bidding A bid bond is important to show proof of guarantee to the project owner that you can comply with the bid contract and also that you can accomplish the job as laid out in the contract. A bid bond is a guarantee that you provide to […]

    August 6, 2022

  • partners in risk

    Business Interruption Insurance

    Business Interruption Insurance Business Interruption Insurance is a form of insurance coverage that replaces business income lost as a result of an event that interrupts the operations of the business, such as fire or a natural disaster. Business interruption insurance is not sold as a separate policy, but is either added to a property/casualty policy […]

    June 1, 2022

  • insurnace

    General Liability and Professional Liability Insurance Defined

    There are several types of liability insurances to help protect your business from third party claims.  How to determine which ones best cover the risks for your particular company takes careful consideration and a knowledgeable insurance broker to help with risk assessment and evaluation.  Below we have summarized a few of the different types of liability insurance that […]

    February 11, 2022

  • partners in risk

    Commercial Excess Liability, A Key Coverage for Your Business

    In the year 2000, it was uncommon for a company to be sued for more than a million dollars. In 2021, it is not uncommon for a business to have several large claims going on at the same time. A large judgment against your company could damage your reputation and might even put you out […]

    December 16, 2021


    Important Things To Consider Before Your Next Business Insurance Renewal

    The day-to-day operations and challenges of running a business can often overshadow the importance of reviewing your insurance coverage. Updating your insurance may not be at the top of your priority list, what with work, home, and personal obligations. Have you ever wondered when you should update your insurance policy? We recommend your take the time to […]

    December 9, 2021


    Why Professional Liability?

    We live in time where lawsuits are common. Private firms are no longer immune from litigation by employees, competitors and even the government.  Management or professional liability insurance is not just good business; it is as necessary as heat and lighting are for your office. Statutes, state and federal laws change regularly so it is […]

    November 21, 2021


    Reasons Small Businesses Need Commercial Insurance

    If you own a small business, you know how hard you have worked to get your business started and sustainable. Most small businesses fail in the first the year. So congratulation, you have made it this far. Even if your firm is run out of your house or car, you should think about small business […]

    November 12, 2021

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    Top Drivers of Employer-Employee Litigation

    Employees are an essential component of almost every business operation. Managing the employer-employee relationship is important.  However, at times these relationships may face issues that lead to litigation. Employment related lawsuits involve current or past employees who believe they have been wronged by their employer. Here are some common mistakes that cause employers to end […]

    April 16, 2021

  • Is Your Business Prepared For A Loss?

    A Business Insurance Update Your business insurance can respond to many kinds of risks and losses.  Protecting your business from a loss may be the difference between having a great year and having to close your doors.  According to the Insurance Information Institute, 30% of businesses that have a fire never re-open.  It pays to […]

    April 9, 2021